Vore and fart

Hey guys, I just uploaded a new animation. It is by far my personal favorite.

WARNING: If you find vore disgusting or annoying, you should stop here and don't read the rest of the blog or watch the animation!




Well.... I've warned you. Here it is.

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Absorbing by Druj's butt is so sexy and this is the first time I found that vore can be interesting.

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Being gassed inside her body, yummy!

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Fart attack again! Poor Lilim.


Finally made a long video for my favorite character. n(*≧▽≦*)n Enjoy!

The 21th animation (mouth fart with Sanae and Patchouli) was also uploaded. Please check it out and comment, too!

The Breathtaking Game

The Beta version was complete!

New features:

MMD nude model.
Movements and farts are synchronized.
Increasing difficulty with time.


Making a Game using Unity

The translation work is really heavy. A little boring, actually. It's hard to focus on it for a long period of time so I haven't finish it yet. I will not stop doing it, though.

However I made something new. I took a few days to learn programming and another few days to make a game using Unity. Let's see how it looks.


Unity-chan! This time she will be the leading character of the fart game! I didn't even know this girl before I started using Unity, but she's pretty cute, right? (Actually it is the only good model I can find so far)


So this is a breathtaking game! All you have to do is to press space key to breath and not make yourself suffocated. Unfortunately, unity-chan is a little bit gassy and she keeps farting in your face. It is inevitable to take some of her juicy farts.
If the fart concentration in your body (indicated by the color of the breath bar) is too high. You will received damage. as shown in the following picture. The color of the screen represents the fart concentration in air. A tip: trying to actually breath with the game is very interesting!


When the health bar goes to 0, you will faint, and the game is over.

The game is very crude now. I didn't make the movement and the fart synchronized, but I will do it in the future. Other movements such as butt suffocating(can't inhale), facefarting (must inhale) may also be added so that the game can be more interesting. I may also try to convert MMD models into Unity, thus we can have some decent bare ass model.
Here's the link.

The Breathtaking Game Alpha0.02

In addition, I made two Touhou animations.

Sanae Kochiya - God's Wind

Patchouli Knowledge - Ginger Gust

What other spell card can I make? Master Spark? (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

Onara KO

I was not expecting to release this animation, but since I haven't upload any animations for a while, I think I should take something out of the warehouse for you.

It's about the RPG game(Let's temperorally call it FA), but not exactly. They will be the two characters in the game I planned to make myself. The game is actually a sequal of FA. (People: WTF? Finish the first game first!) The purple-haired girl is the main character, whose nickname is "magic pepper". As the name indicates, her fart is driven by the magic, and has a very spicy smell, just like a pepper spray! The other girl is another main character, whose nickname is "peach cannon". Her fart doesn't beat opponents with the smell, but with the strong blast of wind. They are emitted just like a cannon and cause strong physical damage to the opponent. The two girls are both students in fart college (Yes, the game shares the world view with FA) and they are very good friends. They met a young adventurer one day, and their lives were totally changed....

That's all I can say now. To be honest, I don't have confidence finishing the game, because it requires a lot of effort. So I can't make any promise.... But I really really hope to finish it, because I think the story and the character would be pretty attracting.

The FA game is going slowly but continously. Hopefully I can finish my school work in a few weeks, and then I can at least release a demo version before Christmas.

Things I might be working on in the future:

The MMDs of FA games.

Silk vs Pamela 2

and Fart animation 15.....

This messy semester is finallly coming to the end. Jesus!

Fart Fetish Demographics

I believe that many of you have asked the question: Is there any female that really enjoys farting?

It seems that the answer is - No. In real life, we have never seen or smelled girls farting. When the fart topic comes, they quickly go slient and their faces blush. They are always so elegant and graceful that some people even think that girls don't fart.

In fart fetish community, the situation is worse. In most of the the forums, the active members are all males. Among the 120 members I gathered in a Chinese fart fetish discussion group, the number of girls is ------ zero. What a shame! It seems that we fart fetishists can never find partners who really enjoy gassy interactions.

Or can we?

Thanks to the analytic tool of Youtube, we can now reveal some of the hidden truth. I have collected 127k views of data since the reopening of my channel. Among these views, about 80% come from men and 20% come from women.

GOOD NEWS! This implies that the females who enjoy farting has a higher proportion than we thought to be. Although farting animated girls is just a small niche in the whole fart fetish stuff, it should be quite representative.

Then, let's take a look at the age distribution.

BAD NEWS! The mode of the female viewer appears in the range of 35-44 years old. Younger girls are definitely cuter and sexier, but they are not as interested in fart as older women...

Why's that? I guess it is because young girls' gassy desires are repressed by the idea that farting is rude. It is not that they don't like it, it is that they didn't realize they like it! As they grow older, they become more open-minded to farts and gradually develop fart fetish.

Good news. Maybe.

Right now, I can't say more without more data input, but the idea is that girls who enjoy farting may be more than we thought to be, and even more than THEY thought to be. So guys, go and find girls around you with potential fart fetish. Maybe you will have a surprise!

Gals (if any), you are also encouraged to comment and tell us what you think. XD
Self Introduction


Anime Girl Fart Fetishist.

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