LT Update

I'm soooo sorry! The Lost Treasures Project has to be postponed. Too many things happened in my life so I had very little time for the game making. To compensate you guys, I decided to release the 2nd chapter of LT. I wish you don't lose patient on this game. Aero thanks all of you!

What's New:
· The story of the 2nd chapter.
· Faster battle processing speed
· Faster text scrolling speed. You can also fast forward dialogues by pressing "→" key. The disadvantage is that the bust images sometimes blink.
· The encounters of enemies are now on map encounters.
· Battle recollection system (in libraries)
· Fixed some bugs

Download link (Only Chinese version):!QQZTXCJC!h3qMHuL05u0dpMxhqFpaYwEjJSyc8oXq9f89t0sVjo8

I'm sorry I can only provide Chinese version. As I said the translation will begin after the game is finished. This is to prevent repetitive translation. Please understand!!!!!
The old save files are not usable. However, I prepared a save file starting from the 2nd chapter for those who have went through chapter 1.

If you don't speak Chinese, and you want to walkthrough the game, here's a guide:
Walkthrough Guide:
→Talk with 1111.png
→Go to the left dorm and defeat 2222.png
→Talk with 1111.png
→Leave Onara College and go to the southern town Sastol. Find 3333.png's group and defeat them.
→Talk with 1111.png
→Talk with 4444.png
→Find the trapdoor at the 1F of Onara College. Go to the secret base and defeat 5555.png
→Talk with 1111.png
→Go to the 5F of Onara College and defeat the boss
→Take the ship 6666.png towards the southern continent at the pier of Sastol, and the Chapter 2 ends here.

There are two mini games in this chapter. I'll briefly introduce what they are doing:
The goal of the first is to collect as much as MP within a certain number of turns. When the turn starts, press "Z" to stop the bar of gas and then press left and right alternatively as fast as you can. The more gas and hits, the more gain of MP.
The goal of the second game is to reach 60 gas points first. Pretty straight forward.

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Good work!

You've done really amazing work thus far, and it's amazing to see how far the project has come along with the small group that you have!

You've had a very big goal from the start, and I think you've done a good job trying to maintain that and I don't think you should give up on this. So keep doing your best, and we'll be cheering you on.

Thanks for all the hard work!

No title

While that sucks to hear, your personal life must always take priority over other things. Don't worry about it! I wish you all the best!






Beat the game today and i only speak english, loved it!

Dont worry

im sure you have a bunch of things to do other than make this game that youre not even getting payed to make if you have a patreon or something id love to support your efforts in doing something out of ur own free time

How to defeat her?

Help! I can't even defeat the girl with green hair. She's smarter than me. How do I outsmart her? Is there anyway to reach 60 gp before she does?

You must be the one who reach 48 GP first. It's an addition puzzle.

奇葩的RPG 辛苦了!





You sure?

Are you sure I should reach 48 first before the green hair girl? Wouldn't she have a advantage? If I did reach 48 first then add up to which number next?

Add up to 48

How do I add up to 48 gp before her? I can't seem to get the math right. I don't think I can beat her before she reaches 48 gp. Even if I did she'll still put up 54 gp right after I put in 50 , 51 , 52 , or even 53. There's gotta be another way.

After 48 make sure that you will be the one who plus to 54.Because if you get to 48 first no matter how many she plus(1-5), you can still plus to 54 than can you win.

The easiest way is to always plus your digit number ​to 3 and 8
3 8 13 18 23 (after she sent gp back to you.)​

Number that you must not let her reach first is 43 48 54

Guess you were right

I guess I was wrong. You're right I needed to reach 48 gp before the green hair girl does. Guess what? I made it through
the challenge. Thank you!

Who is Estella?

Who is Estella? Where can I find her? Is she somewhere in the game or she going be available in chapter 3?

English version

Well now that I finish the game. I can't wait to play the English version when it's out.

Re: Good work!

> You've done really amazing work thus far, and it's amazing to see how far the project has come along with the small group that you have!
> You've had a very big goal from the start, and I think you've done a good job trying to maintain that and I don't think you should give up on this. So keep doing your best, and we'll be cheering you on.
> Thanks for all the hard work!

I will absolutely not give up. Thank you for the support!

Re: No title

> While that sucks to hear, your personal life must always take priority over other things. Don't worry about it! I wish you all the best!
Thanks, glassgasket! I will work on the game whenever I have time

Re: 和訳です

> お久しぶりです
> 現実の方で大変なことがあっということで…
> お疲れ様です
> そんな中、二章でもと完成、改善、更新、公開…素直にすごいと思います
> 中国語は私はそこまで読めませんから、和訳できませんし、仰らていますからするつもりもありませんが、本作の完成、楽しみにしております


Re: No title

> Beat the game today and i only speak english, loved it!

Re: Dont worry

> im sure you have a bunch of things to do other than make this game that youre not even getting payed to make if you have a patreon or something id love to support your efforts in doing something out of ur own free time
We actually planned to sell this game when it is finished...⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ Please buy one when it is done! I would really appreciate it!
If you really want to support us now, you can do it on 13o's patreon.
Thank you very much!!!

Re: 奇葩的RPG 辛苦了!

> 身為屁愛好者
> 發現了如此屌的遊戲
> 欣喜萬分
> 謝謝您如此有心的製作這款RPG
如果是说中文的同好,可以来 看看哦。

Algorithm to reach 60 GP first

To reach 60 GP first, you need to reach 54 GP first.

To reach 54 GP first, you need to reach 48 GP first.


That is, you need to keep GP at a multiple of 6. To achieve this, just pass the first turn by keep pressing "right arrow key" in the first turn. In your second turn, produce appropriate GPs to reach 6 GP.

Re: English version

> Well now that I finish the game. I can't wait to play the English version when it's out.
Looks like you figure it out. Congratulations!
The English version will be out when the whole game is finished. Please definitely look forward to it!

Re: Algorithm to reach 60 GP first

> To reach 60 GP first, you need to reach 54 GP first.
> To reach 54 GP first, you need to reach 48 GP first.
> ...
> That is, you need to keep GP at a multiple of 6. To achieve this, just pass the first turn by keep pressing "right arrow key" in the first turn. In your second turn, produce appropriate GPs to reach 6 GP.
Oh, no! this is a bug! You should not be able to skip any turn in this mini game. I'll fix this.

Are they any bonus/hidden events in this chapter?

I checked the image folder in the game and found some exciting characters not featured in the main story so far. Are they in the demo, or are they just carryovers from the main project?

Re: Are they any bonus/hidden events in this chapter?

> I checked the image folder in the game and found some exciting characters not featured in the main story so far. Are they in the demo, or are they just carryovers from the main project?

There is a hidden quest in this chapter. Please try to find it.
There are also some pictures from the main project which are not used.

Amazing Work

Great job on Chapter 2, Aero and 13o! It was so exciting that I binge-played it all in one night haha. My favorite part is when the two girls perform a duet of "Happy Birthday To You" with their farts. That blew me away, figuratively and literally lol. I'm excited for the two skunk girl bosses in Chapter 3 as seen in the picture on your blog. We appreciate your hard work and understand that it's difficult to find free time outside of real life obligations to work on this. I'll gladly wait patiently for Chapter 3 and, hopefully, Fate & Available.

Give us a clue

Can you give us a clue or hint where to find the hidden quests/events? I don't understand what the quests are. I can see the icons of the quests. But what does it mean? Am I supposed to find them? For example: Does the sword icon mean I have find a sword or something?

No title

When We Can Get The English ver of Lost Treasure?
We can't understand the Whole Story

Ohoooooo!!! Yes! Yes!

Glory to Aero like the sun, cheers like cicada's chorus in summer!
Oh, Bro, you did a great job for us. Thank you so much!

I can not download

I tried downloading and copied the URL of the download link and tried to fly to the site, but I can not go to the intended place. Why do you fly to the website of MEGA, what should I do?

Where can I get spider poison specimen?

I found that there is a sub quest which collect cave spider's poison but I can't find where it is.
Is that cave is the cave which locate on chapter 1 map? Or chapter 2 map?

Nice work

Just finished the second chapter and hidden event. Good job aero&13o. Looking forward to purchase your game. Do you have plan to do after finish this game? Like sell animetion or more game.

No title

someone needs to make a video on this!


i have a problem trying to play the game, first i cannot open it from the .exe program of the winrar file it appears a lot of mistakes in another windown and it keeps on increasing , and also it happens if i try to extract it to another folder or location there are a lot of mistakes and i cannot read the problem because the window sends a lot of mistakes per second so it is impossible to read it. i have to do something specific or what? the languague of my computer is japanese is that alright?
i hope to play it soon it´s amazing.

Green haired girl

Where is the green haired girl? How can i reach to her? Please help me!! I found trap door but i didn't find green haired girl.

Can I try to translate?

Hey Aerodynamics can I try to translate the game? I've found a translator online that can translate the Chinese texts.

Simplified or Traditional?

Is the Chinese Simplified or Traditional?

No title

Can someone post a full save file with all boss fights?

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Re: Did your channel get terminated?

> Just in case you didn't read my message from nyoubooru. Did your channel get terminated? What happened? Was it one of your videos that you forgot censor or cut out? Please tell me
I add censor on all of my videos but it still got terminated. It happened like 2 months ago. I have a backup channel, check it out.

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Re: Translating

> Hello!
> I'm a big fan of your Lost Treasures project. You did an amazing job with Chapter 1, and I absolutely loved playing through it! But right after finishing it, I wanted more! So, I ask if I may be able to translate Chapter 2 for you. I do not know if I'll be capable, but I'd love to give it a try! If not, I understand, and I'd like to thank you for reading my comment. Have a great day! :)

Hi. Thank you very much for the offer! It would be great if you could translate the chapter 2. The game is still in developing and the text may be changed later. Anyway, if you finished the translation, please send me a copy!
I appreciate your help!

happy wheels

The LT updates are great, I love this update.


Hey hey, it's been a minute since the last update, how's the progress going. Is the translation going smoothly, are the backgrounds still pretty, are there going to be game overs, hehe are the sprites still sexy (Rhetorical I know you're doin your best and I appreciate you ;) )

Keep up the good work and just know there are still perverts waiting for your next release
Sincerely a small time fan

No title

The information you share is great and useful. Thank you for sharing.


How do I find the orange haired girl, I can't find her anywhere

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Re: 和訳です

> お久しぶりです
> 現実の方で大変なことがあっということで…
> お疲れ様です
> そんな中、二章でもと完成、改善、更新、公開…素直にすごいと思います
> 中国語は私はそこまで読めませんから、和訳できませんし、仰らていますからするつもりもありませんが、本作の完成、楽しみにしております
Is there a way I can get to you?
send me an email, please!

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Anime Girl Fart Fetishist.

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