Lost Treasures - Chapter 2 Preview

Lost Treasures - Chapter 2 Preview

Lost Treasures Demo update

We now have a new member in our game developing team!
Meet Luigifan222!

He and 13o will together take responsibility of the music! I would also like to thank luigifan for the helping on translation!
With his help, I made an update on the game demo.
New stuff:
-New music by LF222!
-Polished English translation
-The game will preload the images and animations when loading the map. That sacrifices the speed of map loading but might alleviate the lagging problem. (Maybe not)


The Breathtaking Game V1.1b (April Fool!)

This whole thing is a joke! April fool!
I felt a little bit sorry for dissapointing you guys.
Hey everybody! This time I'm bringing you some exciting news!
The Breathtaking Game v1.1!

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Although the build number only increased by 0.1, I think the new contents in the game are very rich and exciting. Many of you have suggested me to add more characters in the game. This is actually not difficult. The motion can be copy and paste to another model without much efforts. However, that is not satisfying enough for me. When I was adding new characters, I tried to make them distinct motions and skills, such as grabbing fart, facesitting fart, butt-suffocating, butt striking, and, you know, a special skill only for the skunk girl. Consequently, different characters will have different degrees of difficulty. Now I have input 6 characters into the game (Cecilia, Lilim, Nana(the skunk girl), Druj, Sanae and Chihaya). You must start from the easiest opponent, persist for long enough time, and unlock the nudity mode and other characters. Also, I am considering adding an achievement system, which is surprisingly difficult to make.

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Now you can change the scene of the Onara play, too. This is a very simple function but it creates a lot of freshness. Similar to characters, you must complete certain tasks to unlock hidden scenes.

Everyone loves the nudity mode, but the skunk girl is a little bit different. You must realize that besides farts, she has some real weapons. If you can't take that, stay away from her!!!

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As some of you may know, the newest version of Unity3d started to support virtual reality. I also played around with this new feature. I made a crude VR demo and tested it. I have to say, WOW, that is fvcking AMAZING! The farts blowed directly in my face. It felt so real that I almost smelt it! Speaking of smell, I am kind of exciting to make the game compatible with Nosulus Rift, a VR equipment which enables you to smell farts. Yes, you didn't misread. The smell of farts. It's kind of diasspointing that Nosulus Rift has never been sold publicly, but who knows what Ubisoft will make in the future? I will continue to follow their products.

I can't promise when I will release the game demo, but it is likely to be soon. I hope you all enjoy it!
Self Introduction


Anime Girl Fart Fetishist.

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