LT Update

The recollection mode has been added!




Well, looks amazing. but, I have to admit... that the progress is not as fast as how it looks.

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Very pleasure!! You are GOD.

I'm excited about it!



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한국에서도 매우 기대하고있는 작품입니다 앞으로 내용전개나 이벤트등 기대하고있습니다

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That's a great feature to include, I definitely enjoyed it in Magical Girl Riru. Thanks for the progress update!

I love this feature, and you definitely have my attention with the two skunk girl choices. Looking forward to it!

Wow! Keep up the great work! I'm really looking forward to playing this game!!!

No title

woooow u r awsome. when can we play it ?

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Re: I'm excited about it!

> お疲れ様です
> 日本の掲示板でも話題となっており、皆期待していますし、私自身も楽しみです!
> 完成、お待ちしております

Re: No title

> 한국에서도 매우 기대하고있는 작품입니다 앞으로 내용전개나 이벤트등 기대하고있습니다
관심을 가져 주셔서 감사합니다!

Re: No title

> That's a great feature to include, I definitely enjoyed it in Magical Girl Riru. Thanks for the progress update!
You're welcome. I also got inspired by that game!

Re: No title

> I love this feature, and you definitely have my attention with the two skunk girl choices. Looking forward to it!
Hahaha, I knew you will notice them! They will be very special in this game, like extra and phantasm stages in Touhou, and they are for challengers!

Re: No title

> I love this feature, and you definitely have my attention with the two skunk girl choices. Looking forward to it!
And I'm sorry for not replying your email. I'll reply your email tomorrow.

Re: No title

> Wow! Keep up the great work! I'm really looking forward to playing this game!!!
And I'm sorry for not replying your email.... Thank you for your support and I'll write response to your email tomorrow!

Re: No title

> woooow u r awsome. when can we play it ?
About middle 2018...?

Re: No title

> Woohoo!


이거.... 정말 신기하네요
저도 이작품의 진행이 궁금하내요. 한국에서도 잘 지켜보고 있습니다!
-(한국어버젼이 나왔으면 하는건 공부못하는 저의 바람입니다.)
It's ... It's amazing. I am curious about the progress of this work. We are watching well in Korea! - (I want Korean version to come out of my way.)

When we play the game?

Can play?

When can I play it? Can I play it this month or next month?

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Any chance of you uploading a download link for the Fate & Available demo soon? I don't mind playing it in Chinese as I can use AGTH and Translation Aggregator for an English translation.


will they be game over lose scene after u lose a battle

Fate & Available

The Anonymous guy is right. Is there anyway you could release the demo of Fate & Available? Chinese or not I still can enjoy it. I got the Translator to translate the language. What do you say huh? Wanna give it a go?

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i chapter two. where do i find the spider woman?

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Anime Girl Fart Fetishist.

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