The Breathtaking Game

The Beta version was complete!

New features:

MMD nude model.
Movements and farts are synchronized.
Increasing difficulty with time.


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It definitely gets harder as you go. The game increases in difficulty, too.

I love everything about this version. The nude model is great, her motions are excellent, and her special moves are HOT! Great work!

I'd love to see a version with one of your skunk girl models. I don't know how difficult it would be to add more models, or to give the player a choice of models like O-H-G-G did. If you really wanted to be mean to the player, the skunk girl could spray as one of her special moves -- maybe a stink that lingers much longer than normal, or that drives down your health bar even if you hold your breath.

But even if you don't make any changes, I love this game.


Soooooooo, I like how everyone is going for the longest time, but you know there is another goal....

The one person who breaths the farts from Chihaya-Chan, and I'm the winner in that fart area!

So in short I set a record for fastest lost or I'm the only True Chicaya-Chana Fart breather!!

Also I just send Aerodynamic new Gmod pics, and you guys might like them! :D All credit goes towards Aerody!!

Sorry for being an asshole about the Game and my pics, I'm just so glad I'm helping the Fart community!!

From Cicaya-Chans Fart breather and Aerodynamics Pupil


P.S. My title is easily takeable 44 secs was my shortest record :P

Hi Aerodynamics

Hi Aerodynamics, thank you for this awesome game, awesome work. Unfortunatelt for this model, I can't see the body only the face. But also I would like to suggest maybe making a small feature where you can actually choose which special move the model uses at any given time.

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It's great that you like it. I will consider adding skunkgirl into the game!(I definitely want to, but I have made so many promises that I have not completed. Don't know if I have time to do it soon.)

Actually you can suffocate yourself by not pressing the space bar. 16 secs?

I didn't quite understand the feature you mentioned... Like, you're controlling the girl?


i cant open it. it constantly asks for the TBG_Data to be next to the executable. but i dont see any. i suck with computers n stuff but i can usually do a little something.

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Awesome work Aerodynamics!
This is my best farting-girl game which made by 3D modeling tool.
Girls modeled and given movements by you is getting prettier and prettier.

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Yeah, basically controlling the girl. Or make it more harder by having her do the special moves more often, that would make it more harder to breath through the session of the game.

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Please Help

so I try to play and it opens, but the girl's model isn't showing up its just an outline with part of the face. Any way to fix this?

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In the rar file, there is a TBG_Data folder. Put it next to the .exe file.

Thanks! It's always happy to hear your comment! I'm looking forward to your new work, too. Always!

My opinion is to make more special moves in the future.

>Having problems opening the game
I don't know what causes the problem... I'm not an expert in computer, either... Sorry.

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hey! your ondrive video has error


hey your ondrive video has error


Hi I really want to download and play lt the game but in OneDrive there is an error download so I can`t download it I reealy love your games just looking at it but i`d really want to play it so I`ll be so thank you if you add more download drive like dropbox have a good day and cheer you with making game !!!

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This was a fun little game. I'd love more mature looking ladies. She totally caught me off guard pulling my face closer. I passed out right after, lol.

Re: No title

> This was a fun little game. I'd love more mature looking ladies. She totally caught me off guard pulling my face closer. I passed out right after, lol.
I'm very happy that you enjoyed the game. Well, right now I don't have time to update this game, but I probably add more choice of characters later.

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Anime Girl Fart Fetishist.

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