Stink Prison!

I haven't been working on animations for a while, because I returned home for one and half months. As I returned US I had to make up all the school work I left behind. I apologize, but after a long absence of new animation, this one is finally finished!
The return gift of Lilim - Stink Prison!

Last time, Druj gassed Lilim inside her ass. As a revenge, Lilim took out her magic glass box, covered Druj, and then released a barrel of poisonous farts into it! The animation is not long, but I met a bunch of technical problems, such as the transparency and the color of the box, the explosion, the broken glass, etc. In the end, I managed to solve them and I was astonished at how many things MMD can do.

In addition, a previous animation is attached.

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Link Issue

Hey Aero! Sorry to bother but I can't seem to access to the 2nd animation you attached at the bottom. Could you change the file location from onedrive to mediafire? Thanks!

No title

Thanks for returning! The new animation is gorgeous. It's amazing how much you can do with MMD.

Well, indeed, Aero-san, after some years of following your art, I must say that your animations are so unique and attractive that it cannot be even compared with anyone's. Thank you very much! It's really a good feeling to see that you're continue to create something new and original... (^///^)

Re: Link Issue

> Hey Aero! Sorry to bother but I can't seem to access to the 2nd animation you attached at the bottom. Could you change the file location from onedrive to mediafire? Thanks!
Mediafire also contains all my files. The one I linked below is the hotdogging one.

Re: No title

> Thanks for returning! The new animation is gorgeous. It's amazing how much you can do with MMD.
> Well, indeed, Aero-san, after some years of following your art, I must say that your animations are so unique and attractive that it cannot be even compared with anyone's. Thank you very much! It's really a good feeling to see that you're continue to create something new and original... (^///^)
Thanks! I will continue to make new stuff!


Will you be doing mouth fart animations like 13o?

Re: Question

> Will you be doing mouth fart animations like 13o?
I think so. I love mouth farts so much!

Salutations, Aerodynamics. I have a quick question for you. Those models you put out for us on Onedrive, how exactly do we add those to our own MMD games? I have been going around getting models, but none of them seem to work for me, and most RAR files I open dont contain a PMD file. I understand this isnt fart related, but is there some way you can assist me?

Re: 无标题

> Salutations, Aerodynamics. I have a quick question for you. Those models you put out for us on Onedrive, how exactly do we add those to our own MMD games? I have been going around getting models, but none of them seem to work for me, and most RAR files I open dont contain a PMD file. I understand this isnt fart related, but is there some way you can assist me?
There are PMX files, you can also load those files in MMD.

Thank you very much for that PMX file tip, it never occured to me that I have to drag the file into the game screen. I was under the assumption that they are in the File/Open or Load screens.
One more question, if I may. What GAS effect do you use, or at least recommend? With a link, if preferable. For the life of me, I cant find any site that has a gas, or cloud of any sort, effect that I can download, let alone be in an FX file so I can actually use it.

Re: 无标题

> Thank you very much for that PMX file tip, it never occured to me that I have to drag the file into the game screen. I was under the assumption that they are in the File/Open or Load screens.
> One more question, if I may. What GAS effect do you use, or at least recommend? With a link, if preferable. For the life of me, I cant find any site that has a gas, or cloud of any sort, effect that I can download, let alone be in an FX file so I can actually use it.

I used JetSmoke by 針金p. Here is the link:
The usage can be found in this post I made.
Hope these information will help, and I hope to see you animation soon!

Hiya, Aero! Great work so far on these animations, but I'm wondering, do you make your own models? And if so, do you take requests? A friend of mine is getting into MMD, but he's a bit slow...
He's the one who asked you about the gas effect.
Anyway, if you take requests, can I request on his behalf, a model of Yaeko Yanasegawa, from Terra Formars? She's the skunk girl, as you probably already know, and would be a cool model to have in MMD, according to my friend. He also appologizes for all these requests and questions, but feels you are the only good MMD-er who can respond quickly, and honestly. Also you two share a fetish, lol.

Again, thanks for your work, I appologize on his behalf, and keep it up, Oh-Master-Of-The-MMD-Fart.

Re: 无标题

> Hiya, Aero! Great work so far on these animations, but I'm wondering, do you make your own models? And if so, do you take requests? A friend of mine is getting into MMD, but he's a bit slow...
> He's the one who asked you about the gas effect.
> Anyway, if you take requests, can I request on his behalf, a model of Yaeko Yanasegawa, from Terra Formars? She's the skunk girl, as you probably already know, and would be a cool model to have in MMD, according to my friend. He also appologizes for all these requests and questions, but feels you are the only good MMD-er who can respond quickly, and honestly. Also you two share a fetish, lol.
> Again, thanks for your work, I appologize on his behalf, and keep it up, Oh-Master-Of-The-MMD-Fart.
Thanks a lot for the recognition! Well, I do make some models but I'm not as good as you think. I usually edit others' models and I don't have the ability to start from scratch. I know the character you mentioned very well and I like her, but I think her image is so distinct that I can't edit from others' models... Sorry.

All these questions are getting annoying, aren't they? I really do appologize. Is it possible that you can make a JetSmoke tutorial for your YouTube channel, or at least give me a general idea of how to edit that effect? I dont get what all these walls upon walls of words and numbers even mean, and LearnMMD doesn't help in the slightest. The best I can do with the effect is turn it and move it's epicenter. I have MME, and all that, but for the life of me, I don't really get it. Also, my MMD is kinda broken, I think, in that I can load lots of FX files, except for JetSmoke, which is an X file. I tried loading the FX for it, and it never shows up on screen. JetSmoke is the only effect that does this for me! Also, I can't access the FX file as a readable document, only the X file. I just don't understand what I am doing wrong, and I really want to get better at MMD. I can pose, I can animate (kinda), but I cant get the JetSmoke to work... And I want to, one day, be able to upload a Video like yours... In all it's gassy goodness...
Anyway, I'm pretty sure you are sick of me by now, and I can respect that. If you can, please help. If not, thanks very much for putting up with me for the past few days. Hopefully, there will be a way for you to teach me the ways of the JetSmoke, if not at least lead me in the direction of someone who can.

My sincere and truthful thanks to you, and greatest gratitude in advance, should you help me out. If not, I graceously await your next animation.

Re: 无标题

> All these questions are getting annoying, aren't they? I really do appologize. Is it possible that you can make a JetSmoke tutorial for your YouTube channel, or at least give me a general idea of how to edit that effect? I dont get what all these walls upon walls of words and numbers even mean, and LearnMMD doesn't help in the slightest. The best I can do with the effect is turn it and move it's epicenter. I have MME, and all that, but for the life of me, I don't really get it. Also, my MMD is kinda broken, I think, in that I can load lots of FX files, except for JetSmoke, which is an X file. I tried loading the FX for it, and it never shows up on screen. JetSmoke is the only effect that does this for me! Also, I can't access the FX file as a readable document, only the X file. I just don't understand what I am doing wrong, and I really want to get better at MMD. I can pose, I can animate (kinda), but I cant get the JetSmoke to work... And I want to, one day, be able to upload a Video like yours... In all it's gassy goodness...
> Anyway, I'm pretty sure you are sick of me by now, and I can respect that. If you can, please help. If not, thanks very much for putting up with me for the past few days. Hopefully, there will be a way for you to teach me the ways of the JetSmoke, if not at least lead me in the direction of someone who can.
> My sincere and truthful thanks to you, and greatest gratitude in advance, should you help me out. If not, I graceously await your next animation.

I don't think your questions are annoying at all. I am glad that someone is also working on MMD and I would love to see more of others' animations! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

I sent you an email with a tutorial of Jetsmoke.

That really helped! I didn't even know you posted a tutorial before, I couldn't find it for the life of me! Thank you very much again, and I'll be sure to come to you with any more questions I have, and maybe a link or two once I get some animations up and running! (You are my inspiration to try MMD, and I wish to pay you back in some way!)

Quick few questions, while I'm typing this up:
What is the best way to record the video of the animation itself? (I use the Windows 10 Recorder, but it has loads of flaws, nvm how it's free...)
Is there a fix for effects not appearing in front of the models? (As in, I load up the JetSmoke, or any model, and move the source in front of my model, but when I turn the camera, the effect seems to be on the other side of her, like she overlaps it.)
Do sound effects have to be saved and loaded just like any music you wish to add to the animation? (As in they have to be put in the right file format and such...)

TYVM again for all the help, and patience! With some time, and a few days off from my job, I should be able to animate simple tests, and one day animate as greatly as you and Kujira! My warmest regards, good sir!

Re: 无标题

> That really helped! I didn't even know you posted a tutorial before, I couldn't find it for the life of me! Thank you very much again, and I'll be sure to come to you with any more questions I have, and maybe a link or two once I get some animations up and running! (You are my inspiration to try MMD, and I wish to pay you back in some way!)
> Quick few questions, while I'm typing this up:
> What is the best way to record the video of the animation itself? (I use the Windows 10 Recorder, but it has loads of flaws, nvm how it's free...)
> Is there a fix for effects not appearing in front of the models? (As in, I load up the JetSmoke, or any model, and move the source in front of my model, but when I turn the camera, the effect seems to be on the other side of her, like she overlaps it.)
> Do sound effects have to be saved and loaded just like any music you wish to add to the animation? (As in they have to be put in the right file format and such...)
> TYVM again for all the help, and patience! With some time, and a few days off from my job, I should be able to animate simple tests, and one day animate as greatly as you and Kujira! My warmest regards, good sir!

First, you don't record the screen. You render the videos by clicking "file" → "generating AVI". I usually output the video without sound effects and I then add them in video editing software such as Adobe Premiere or Corel Videostudio.

About the Jet smoke effect. I didn't fully understand your question, but here's what you should pay attention to. In the menu, click "background" → "edit accessories". Adjust the rendering order and make sure that the Jetsmoke.x is rendered after other models. Then, after you set up the location and direction of the jet, remember to register it to the key frame.

I feel happy seeing your enthusiasm in MMD. Hope you have a huge progress soon!

Do you happen to know where I can find a good Squirt effect? Like the ones used in your older Skunk Girl Spray videos? It doesn't have to be a stream, a large gush works just fine for me.
Also, is there a Skunk Girl model out there you can link me to, that isn't Kujira's? That one is fine for now, but I'm hoping to find one thats nude, if possible, and IDC if those special parts are movable or not.

My project is coming along nicely, and the animation is good enough, for a first timer like me. What I meant by the JetSmoke was that no matter what angle I set the camera, the Smoke would be behind her, even if the source (or dammy bone it is connected to) was outside the model.
EX: I move the smoke to be coming from the left side of the model, and turn the camera to face her right side. It looks fine. But when I turn it to face her left, it looks like the smoke is coming from her right side. I'll send pictures via E-mail if needed, but for now, I gotta go to work.
I look forward to hearing your response.

Do you happen to know where I can find a good Squirt effect, like the ones used in your older Skunk Girl Spray videos? It doesn't have to be a stream, a large gush works just fine for me. Also, is there a Skunk Girl model out there you can link me to, that isn't Kujira's? I'm hoping to find one thats nude, if possible. What I meant by the JetSmoke was that I would move the smoke to be coming from the left side of the model, and turn the camera to face her right side. It looks fine. But when I turn it to face her left, it looks like the smoke is coming from her right side. I'll send pictures via E-mail if needed, but for now, I gotta go to work.
I look forward to hearing your response.

Sorry, my computer bugged and sent that comment twice...

Re: 无标题

> Do you happen to know where I can find a good Squirt effect? Like the ones used in your older Skunk Girl Spray videos? It doesn't have to be a stream, a large gush works just fine for me.
> Also, is there a Skunk Girl model out there you can link me to, that isn't Kujira's? That one is fine for now, but I'm hoping to find one thats nude, if possible, and IDC if those special parts are movable or not.
> My project is coming along nicely, and the animation is good enough, for a first timer like me. What I meant by the JetSmoke was that no matter what angle I set the camera, the Smoke would be behind her, even if the source (or dammy bone it is connected to) was outside the model.
> EX: I move the smoke to be coming from the left side of the model, and turn the camera to face her right side. It looks fine. But when I turn it to face her left, it looks like the smoke is coming from her right side. I'll send pictures via E-mail if needed, but for now, I gotta go to work.
> I look forward to hearing your response.

It's great to hear that your project is going well!

1. The effect you mentioned is WaterParticle by Beamman.
It's similar to Jetsmoke. The difference is that the emission rate is controlled by the transparency.

2. As I said in the last reply. You must make sure the smoke is rendered after other models.

3. About the skunk model. The model can be dissembled by using MME, and Kujira's model contains nudity. You can simply peel off the fur. I can later send you the model I edited if you want.

Thanks for answering! And yeah, I'm hoping to make some good progress on my project tomorrow, if all goes well. So far so good, and one of them (yes, there's 2) is getting close to "expelling" her build-up. :^)

1.I really appreciate the link, and it looks great! It works just fine, and I'm having a blast (no pun intended) experimenting and finding new ways to use it, both as clean and as R-18. (Especially on my TDA Haku Bakini model from Deng, and who knows, maybe I can use it on my own Spray videos...?)

2. I followed your instructions, and they did work. I simply felt like I needed to explain it further, because you said you didn't understand what I was asking the first time I asked it. That "edit accessories" trick works fine, as you said, and now I can finally get a good view of the action. *snicker*

3. If there's a way you can maybe step-by-step tell me how to "peel away" the fur, I would appreciate it. I noticed when I first loaded that model, and zoomed in very closely to the back side, there was a layer under the fur, but I didn't (and still kinda don't) know how to "shave" her. If it's easier, I can use your model you offered, but I feel kinda bad basically taking your models.

4. Would you rather me ask questions and the like via E-mail, rather then through this site? I'm fine with using either, but this all comes down to your choice and preferance. I understand how busy you can be, what with your animations and life as a whole. Just let me know what is most convenient for you, and I can accommodate as needed.

Question Time Again.

1. Do you know any good free-to-use RAR file openers? I'm using WinRAR right now, but I only have a few days left to buy a license, and I don't have the money ATM to keep it going, if it does expire and provent me from getting more models and the like.

2. Same as question 1, but its for a free sound editor, like Adobe Premier. I went to both sites you recommended b4, and both of them are pay-to-use. Me, being low on cash, is looking for a free site or application to use. (Yes, I have a job, and it almost always goes to my rent and food money, hence why I never have much left over.) If there isn't one, that's fine. I know a way to convert mp4 into mp3, and from that into the compatible sound file for music in MMD. I can just use that.

No title

sorry i posted the earlier message admin only by accident :P i was asking if it's possible to use the skunk girl model if it's possible please and thank you :)

Re: No title

> sorry i posted the earlier message admin only by accident :P i was asking if it's possible to use the skunk girl model if it's possible please and thank you :)
Give me your mailbox I'll send it to you.

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Anime Girl Fart Fetishist.

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